Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet

Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet PDF Download


Facebook advertising has a series of audiences that you can utilize to find your ideal clients. Facebook will automatically show your ads to people who are most likely to find your ads relevant. Facebook further targets your ad delivery with 3 specific audience tools:

  • Core Audiences: Define an audience based on criteria like age, interests, geography and more.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Reach new people whose interests are similar to those of your best customers.
  • Custom Audiences: Get back in touch with people who have engaged with your business, online or off.

We created a Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet infographic that you can reference to make the best out of your audience targeting when running Facebook Campaigns.


Cold Audiences will be the group of the population that you are searching who never been exposed to your business.

Broad targeting is a great option to let the Facebook algorithm search without any true restrictions, just apply the geographical location and age.
Detailed targeting allows you to define your audiences by interests, demographics and behaviors.
Lookalike Audience allows you to use a Custom Audience source and reach people with common interests and traits.
Define audience size based on the Lookalike 1% – 10%
Next, increase or decrease the size of your lookalike audience by using the slider.

  • Similarity: Start by optimizing your lookalike audience for Similarity, which will show your ads to a smaller, more precise audience. Facebook will find the top 1% of people on Facebook in your selected country who are most similar to your source audience.
  • Reach: Then, experiment with optimizing your audience size for Reach, which will show your ads to a larger audience. Facebook will find the top 10% of people on Facebook in your selected country who are most similar to your source audience.

Test various Lookalike %’s to find winning audience segments for your industry.

Narrow Audience (Layered Detailed Targeting) is when you define two audience interests with an “and” requirement. This will allow you to only define people who meet all of your criteria.

Here’s an example of how this would work:

  1. Include people interested in Nike
  2. Click Narrow Audience (“and“)
  3. Include people interested in Basketball
    This audience will only include people who are interested in Nike “and” are interested in Basketball.

Understand the differences between the “Or” targeting versus “and” targeting.
There is a more complex approach of combining “and” and “or” targeting.

Important: When narrowing your audience, try not to make it too specific. This can lead to an audience that’s too small to be effective.

Warm Audiences and Hot Audiences are an audience segment that has been exposed to your brand who have shown interest in what you offer. The best opportunities will come from creating Custom Audiences that come from 2 different sources: Your Sources and Facebook (Meta) Sources

Your Sources include: Website (Pixel), Customer List, App Activity, Offline Activity and Catalog.

Facebook (Meta) Sources include: Facebook Page, Instagram Account, Video, Lead Form, Events, Instant Experience, Shopping and On-Facebook Listings.

Some of these Custom Audience retention days allows you to go up to 90, 180 or 365 Days. This will be a rolling (refreshed) data set based on how you define your Custom Audience.

Warm Audience will be defined in the middle of the funnel. Best recommendations to use are Facebook / Instagram Engagement (all) or Specific Engagement (Post /Ad, Message, Call-to-Action), Video Views, Website Visitors, Page View/View Content, Search or Contact.

Hot Audience will be people who are more engaged with your brand. Closer to the bottom of the funnel. Those who are showing a more in depth connection with your product or service. Best recommendations to use are Add to Cart, Initiate Checkout, Add Payment Info, Purchase, Customer List, Facebook Leads Form, and Website Leads.

The Facebook Audience tool allows you to define your audience in unlimited ways to get your promotion to your ideal customer. Define how you create a customer journey process to the end result that you are looking for. If you test out your audiences with a strategy in place you can maximize your outcome. The Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet should allow you to accelerate the customer journey and expand your opportunities to increase your sales or lead process.

At Marketing Leverage Agency, we offer a Free 30 minute Marketing Consultation to discuss more about your goals and obstacles. We help improve your marketing strategies and leverage our marketing expertise to grow your brand.


Published On: July 26th, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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